Latest News: Black Belt Training - Thursday evenings 7 - 9pm

Frontline Martial Arts offers high quality, low cost martial arts training in South Gloucestershire.

Training is predominantly in Korean styles of martial arts - Taekwondo, Tang Soo Do & Hapkido - plus freestyle kickboxing. However, we appreciate that there is no perfect art, so we do not limit our training to these styles.

Our current instructors also train in, or have past experience of Shotokan Karate, Krav Maga, Aikido and Judo. Each has something extra to offer, so elements of these styles are added into the training, to complement the core elements.

Take a look at our Welcome Pack for more details.

We are also always on the look out for instructors, from any style, to join us, train with us or to run a session with us, to expand our training.

We have no pretentions of political stature and no desire to make money from the arts. Neither do we insist on practitioners signing up to long term contracts. We just accept that martial arts study is a hobby and, as such, is something that needs a certain element of fun involved. The atmosphere is relaxed yet disciplined, the training fun yet effective.

Training costs are kept to a minimum, equipment and uniforms can be supplied at low cost.

There is no insistence on a minimum attendance, no "hidden" costs to be incurred and, above all, no long-term contracts to sign up to. You only pay for the training you receive.

Any profits made are used for buying additional training equipment.

But do we have sufficiently senior grades and are we capable instructors and coaches ?

We think so . . . Click here to find out more .